Strength - Mobility - Function
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Your Physiotherapist and Covid-19
Please reach out if you have any questions that may not be answered below
Booking Appointments
In order to meet our commitment to patient safety, we have changed our booking procedures to include COVID-19
pre-screening questions. We are asking patients to help us maintain a healthy and safe environment in our clinic by answering pre-screening questions truthfully and follow new procedures in the clinic where required. Clinic staff will collect screening information at time of booking and again in person at time of appointment. The screening questions will apply to those that accompany patients, parents, caregivers, etc. You will be asked to sign attesting to the pre-screening questions upon each visit. The pre-screening questions will be available through our website, email reminders, phoned appointments, and posted on the clinic door.
Appointment Day
We ask that you arrive as close to your appointment time as possible. The purpose is to adhere to the gathering size guidelines. If you are early, your comfort is important, so you may wait in your car, outside (weather permitting), in the hall or in the waiting area (if room is available). The clinic chairs are set up for social distancing measures. We require that you bring a mask to wear into the clinic. Please do not bring gloves, we may ask you to remove them upon entry. Gloves can create a false sense of security and does not replace hand washing.
Upon entering the clinic, a hand sanitizing station will be present to your left of the check in window. We ask that you sanitize your hands prior to entry and mask must be worn properly. Once sanitized and checked in, you will be directed, by your Physiotherapist to your appointment room. For those of you that reside close to our clinic, we would appreciate you use the washroom facilities at your home before attending. For others that travel a distance we can accommodate you. The washroom facilities must be sanitized after each use. If the facility must be used, upon exiting, you must re-sanitize your hands, prior to entry of any treatment room.
Upon completion of your appointment you will be directed to the front to pay and rebook your appointments. There will be visible floor markers to indicate where one should stand if another patron is at the front desk. Your receipts may be emailed with request to minimize contact where possible.
The Pro Physio Clinic wants to reassure all patients that our clinic is a safe environment for all to attend. Under the direction of the Physiotherapy Regulatory Colleges, Public Health, and Chief Medical Officer, guidelines have been drafted to ensure the public’s safety. The safety of you, your family members and our staff is our number one priority. Our booking procedures are modified to maintain physical distancing requirements that take priority over occupancy limits. Members of the public must adhere to the two metre distance rule, we have ensured this in our facility.
We have also acquired all the necessary PPE essential in protecting and preventing the spread of COVID19. All sanitization products follow the Health Canada guidelines from hand sanitizers, hand wipes, and disinfecting products. Hand sanitizers all contain 60-80 percent ethanol or 60-70 percent isopropanol mixtures and appropriate DIN numbers. Environment cleaning and disinfection is essential to avoid the possible spread of COVID19. All our products contain an 8 digit DIN number approved by Health Canada. ONLY the approved disinfectants with a virucidal claim are appropriate for the elimination of viruses in a clinic environment.
The frequency of cleaning and disinfection is dependent on the nature of use/contact of the surface/item in question. Our clinic disinfects all patient contact items between each patient use. Examples are but not limited to treatment tables, headrests, arm rests, chairs, ultrasound machines, interferential machines, all equipment, contact surfaces, exercise equipment, therapeutic tools, diagnostic tools, procedural work surfaces, commonly touched areas, light switches, door handles, taps, toilets, handrails, counter tops, touch screens/mobile devices, keyboards, payment machine, clipboards, pens, towels, etc. We have eliminated all books, magazines and toys.
We will still have our 24 hour cancellation policy in place with leniency toward illness related circumstances. We will not charge anyone for a missed appointment who suddenly comes down with symptoms of an illness or a member of the family that requires immediate attention.
We at the Pro Physio Clinic would like to thank all of clients for their support over the years. We look forward to working with you on your rehabilitation journey during these unchartered times.
WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, As we continue to practice the recommended Social Distancing to help minimize the risk of COVID19 transmission. We are also doing routine cleanings and sanitization to maintain a safe and clean environment for our clients.